Ludhiana: Buddha Nullah rejuvenation project begins with release of 200 cusecs of fresh water
Policy to fill lakes in parched districts with treated sewage water from Bengaluru continues
Packaging firm Huhtamaki partners River Recycle and VTT to tackle floating river waste in India
Industrial pollution set to pose serious threat to Odisha's Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary
Grundfos Enters into Agreement to Acquire Leading Water Technology Company MECO
Blood is thicker than water and wenglor is a lot more than just a family company, because we’re united by a common genetic code: the passion to invent. This is what keeps us together, and it’s the reason we don’t just talk about family, but actually live it as well – every day.
We’re proud of our Southern German roots – without neglecting to fulfill the needs of world markets. Continuous growth in nearly all areas of business – from traineeships right on up to R&D and sales – offers impressive proof of our innovative ability.
For us, however, accelerating growth is not associated solely with rising sales figures, but rather with ever mounting responsibility as well. And wenglor not only assumes conscientious responsibility for its employees, the company takes a responsible approach to environmental issues as well. For example, alone thanks to the use of thermal insulation and geothermal energy for buildings at the Tettnang location, CO2 emissions are reduced drastically by more than 300 tons per year.
Our comprehensive range of services is included in the basic equipment for every wenglor sensor. You automatically purchase the service with every product! Downloads, training programs, product knowledge and data exchange opportunities are just some of the components of this additional range.
B-204 Technocity, Plot No.X-4/1 & X-4/2 TTC Industrial Area mahape Navi Mumbai
Navi Mumbai,Maharashtra,400710,India.