
Good Earth Chemicals Private Limited is a company formed under "BALDOTA" Group for finding cost effective solutions to waste water and odour free concepts. The company has its manufacturing plant at Hosahalli village, in Koppal district of Karnataka.

Innovative planning to prevent the Crisis:
Increase in population with reduced water resources, there is a global alarm on the likely water shortage, the human kind is going to face very shortly that too in the near future. Though the efforts are gearing up in conserving the water usage globally, it is imperative for everyone to find innovative solutions to convert the waste water into useable water. BOD, COD and ODOUR are the major factors to be addressed effectively in treating the waste water.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) & Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of oxygen that is consumed by bacteria during the decomposition of organic matter in the waste water. Similarly the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen that is consumed by water in the decomposition and oxidation process, specially the decomposition of inorganic matter. Having safe BOD and COD level in waste water is essential to produce quality effluent. If the BOD level is high then the water could be at risk for further contamination, interfering with the treatment process and affecting the end usage. The "Poly Sulpha Sponge" is established with proven track record and validations as the most effective catalyst to reduce the BOD, COD levels in waste water by 75% .

The human nose is extremely sensitive to the presence of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and detects it. Typically the wastewater related problem odour compounds are generated via bacterial activity with in the waste streams. Inherently odour causing compounds are volatile and therefore are readily released to the air, at which point that is referred to as vapour phase odour. Even after treatment the water is not fit for use due to odour nuisance. The “Poly Sulpha Sponge” is capable of adsorbing the H2S from waste water and able to eliminate the odour completely.

Typically waste water related odour compounds are generated in the liquid phase, during process of conveying the waste water to the treatment area. While travelling through the sewer lines the H2S is a potential to cause corrosion to the system. Since the "Poly Sulpha Sponge" is adsorbing the H2S,the corrosion issues in sewer lines is also eliminated and ensures longevity to the sewage treatment plants.

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